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RAM Saver Pro is an easy-to-use RAM optimizer tool.

RAM optimizer makes more memory available to your applications. It defragments system memory, increasing the efficiency of your CPU and caches. It also recovers memory leaks from corrupted applications, and it temporarily flushes unused libraries to disk. (Download size: 600k OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2k) Scan Files:

When different programs are running, temporary files necessary for the proper functioning those programs are created on hard disk. Quite often these temporary files are not deleted. The temporary files remain on hard disk, occupy the space and sometimes slowing the work of your computer. The tool "Scan Files" is used for periodic cleaning of the computer from temporary and unused files.

When pressing the Scan button the tool "Scan Files" checks the hard disk for presence of unused temporary files. If a temporary file is found the tool "Scan Files" places it on a list.

After scanning you need to delete temporary files using the "Delete" button.

You can set your own criteria of searching for temporary files:

1.The "File masks" bookmark keeps the masks used for searching for these files. Using this bookmark you can add new and delete old masks.

2.The "Clean folders" bookmark keeps a list of files which will be marked as temporary (regardless of their type). The folders Temp and Cookies are usually kept here.

3.The "Excludes" bookmark keeps a list of files to omit from searches. Usually the folder History or important temporary files are kept here.

4.The "Options" bookmark serves for setting up the methods of deleting the files.

System requirements:
  • OS Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/VISTA/XP/2k/2k3/2k8 x86 x64
  • Minimum screen resolution 1024x768
  • CPU: Pentium processor and above
  • RAM: 128 Mb RAM
  • HDD: 5 Mb free disk space
  • Download size: 1.4M


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