The "Shortcuts" tab of the
"Scan Files" tool serves for searching, correcting or
deleting shortcuts with dead references.
The method of searching for
shortcuts is similar to the method which is used for work with
the "Scan Files" tool.
The Start button begins
the scanning of the hard disk and placing of dead shortcuts on a
After scanning you need to delete
dead shortcuts using the "Remove" button. You can also
correct shortcuts. Choose one shortcut at a time and press the "View"
System requirements:
- OS
Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/VISTA/XP/2k/2k3/2k8 x86 x64
Minimum screen resolution 1024x768
- CPU:
Pentium processor and above
- RAM:
128 Mb RAM
- HDD:
5 Mb free disk space
- Download size: 1.4M